woensdag 21 augustus 2013

Worst Quidditch match

Today, it was a Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin and probably Harry’s worst match ever! The bludger kept following Harry and kept following Harry and kept trying to hit him. He wanted to murdering Harry! Then Harry saw Malfoy and he saw the Golden Snitch who was hovering inches above Malfoy’s left ear. Malfoy hadn’t seen it. Harry hung in mid-air and tried to catch it but WHAM! The bludger had hit him and Harry felt his arm break. Through a haze of rain and pain, he dived for Malfoy. Malfoy thought he was attacking him. Harry took his remaining hand off his broom and made a wild snatch. He was now only gripping the broom with his legs and rolled off his broom. We all were very shocked but then Harry showed the Snitch! We won! Then Lockhart appeared and would help Harry with his broken arm but Lockhart had removed Harry’s bones instead of mended them! So now Harry had to stay in the hospital for growing his bones back. The next days, Ron and I were making the polyjuice potion when one day suddenly Harry came in. He was healed! Harry told us that Collin is been attacked and petrified but we already know that. We heard Professor McGonagall telling Professor Flitwick this morning. Collin is a first-year and also in Gryffindor. He loves Harry and knows all about him. He takes pictures of Harry as much as he could. He is a Muggle-born. Poor Collin! But Harry said something else… Dobby had visit him last night. He was warning him again. He was saying that the Chamber has been opened before. And it was Dobby who stopped the barrier letting Ron and Harry through to go to Platform Nine and Ten Quarters, it was he who made that budger try and kill Harry. He wanted that Harry was injured and couldn’t stay at Hogwarts. Stupid Dobby, Harry could have died! We were thinking about the Chamber of Secrets. It has opened before… Of course, Lucius Malfoy must have opened the Chamber when he was at school and now, he told dear old Draco how to do it! I think the monster of Slytherin is invisible or can disguise itself. I don’t know it but I want to! I have to know it!

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